NEPENTHES SLOTH is the working title of Stephen Shelton.
Stephen currently resides in the East Midlands of the UK but has lived in various parts of England over the years. He has a long history of being guitarist & song-writer in various bands (details below) covering rock, folk, contemporary acoustic and eclectic, weird and experimental.
Stephen is now going solo with the nepenthes sloth project. The seeds of it started in 2018 but the public release only at the start of 2021.
The creative and original audio/visual experience of Nepanthes Sloth is the working title of Stephen Shelton as a) already Stephen Sheltons in the music industry b) hope to include collaborations over time, so videos maybe not be just me c) it sounds a bit mystical and weird!
But why Nepanthes Sloth? ....work it out!
The aim is that the music is different and the video unique. The music is from a grounding of rock, acoustic and ambient with, hopefully, something in there you don't experience in mainstream, say by use of scales, harmonies and timings, and it will be predominantly instrumental to celebrate the music too often, in the modern era, put into the background.
The videos will come from all sources but predominantly exploring the creative use of animation, claymation and 3D fractals.
Hoping you enjoy the experience. Please sign up to the mailing list and like and subscribe on social media.
It is hoped that from 2021 onwards new videos will be posted every one or two months.
Past bands of Stephen’s: (click text or image to see more)
General Dogzbody - Tarragon - Fremsley Staircase - The Andi Tinsel Band - Stranger Fayre - Savage Jelly - Slyde - Zarabanda - The Loafers - Inominata - Littermouth