Released Jun 2024 - filmed in 4k this is a 27 min long surreal short animated film set a around a young woman catching a train from a quiet station in rural England, only to find it has been divertedv to a destination she has never heard of before. She then experienced the most incredible of train journeys. The film has an underlying meaning of where will AI take us. The film has a compelling and varied soundtrack that follows the story
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Released Nov 2023 - filmed in 4k this is a 34 min long surreal short animated film set in the future. The IT engineer at a media company has been asked to repair a faulty Holodroid, only to find there is more about it than ever expected. He then has a problem, his repars have broken the law and could cause imprisionment but he also found something his morals can't ignore
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Released April 2023 - filmed in 4k this is a 7.5 min long surreal short animated film set at Stonehenge, where we find a tourist couple cheking over their photos. As they scan through strange things strat to happen!
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Released Feb 2023 - filmed in 4k this is a 17 min long surreal short film based around a resident in an old people's care home. He is determined to not let the other residents get too old too quickly abd sets about reminding them of the young person still inside, and what better way too do that than with music?
To see video - click here
Released Dec 2022 - filmed in 360 degree/8k this is a 16 min long dystopian sci-fi short film based around cartesian dualism; how we think about it (therefore we are!) but the invading aliens live by it. The story is through the eyes of Cartesia and her life with her dad in a resistance group. The video is an animation with a fractal input too. Ideally viewed on hi-res VR headsets but can be enjoyed on any flat screen.
To see video - click here
Released April 2022 this is a surreal fantasy adventure set in a world of chess high above the skies. The gluttony of the royal rulers has caused the crops to fail and the leaders blame a poor pawn and make him travel down beneath the clouds to find them more. Here he meets the old enemy, only to find maybe they aren't the real enemy
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Released February 2022 this is a sci-fi adventure of a lone female travelling through space, in a future time where humans are colonising far and wide. She is woken up from stasis by her cyborg assistant after receiving a distress call from a nearby planet. The music is up-tempo rock and the video a product of animation mixed into fractal landscapes.
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Released December 2021 this is Nepenthes Sloth returning back to rock music videos after 6 months on acoustic and then several 360 degree/VR videos. the video is a sci-fi adventure of a jetboard champion turned bad that needs capturing alive, can the Police's top Stinger pilot manage to ever catch him? The music is up-tempo rock and the video a product of animation mixed into fractal landscapes.
To see video - click here
Released December 2021 this is Nepenthes Sloth's 3rd 360 degree fractal video and in glorious 8k. This immersive journey into a new and wonderous world can be experienced on flat screen or using headsets (check out blog post on best ways of viewing it). The video also has a brand new Nepenthes Sloth ambient music recording.
To see video - click here
Released August 2021 this is Nepenthes Sloth's 2nd 360 degree fractal video and in glorious 8k. This immersive journey can be experienced on flat screen or using headsets (check out blog post on best ways of viewing it). The video also has a brand new Nepenthes Sloth ambient music recording. The video is designed to be looped and you can view the cosmic fractal array from all angles.
To see video - click here
Released July 2021 this is Nepenthes Sloth's first 360 degree fractal video and in glorious 8k. This immersive journey can be experienced on flat screen or using headsets (check out blog post on best ways of viewing it). The video also has a brand new Nepenthes Sloth ambient music recording. The video is designed to be looped and you can view the cosmic fractal array from all angles.
To see video - click here
Released July 2021 this is a music video by Nepenthes Sloth following the story of a surreal night for a young homeless girl; in full CGI animation, with some added fractal special effects. Based in part on a true story, you can view the short film as: real, metaphor or as mental dissociation ...or maybe as all 3. The soundtrack is an original acoustic guitar based soundtrack. See blogs for story breakdown
To see video - click here
Released in May 2021 this is a music video by Nepenthes Sloth set in a sci-fi world of oppression and project fear. In this video Nepenthes Sloth uses CGI animation for the first time, which is set in a 3D fractal fantasy world of the Golflins. Doris, a space travelling human, gets mixed up in the politics, as does innocent little Golfling Thom!
To see video - click here
Released in March 2021 this is a short film by Nepenthes Sloth exploring why we are all here and what is left of us. It's created using 3d fractals, claymation animation and a new and original Nepenthes Sloth soundtrack
To see video - click here
Award winning US film director James Scott has created a new science fiction TV series 'Akashic Spheres', aimed at getting interest from TV streaming networks, like Netflix etc. James approached Nepenthes Sloth for use of the music on the recent Aridcadabra video release, to have as the pilot theme music. Here is the first trailer using the music. It's all extremely exciting to be involved with!
For more about Akashic Spheres TV series - click here
This is the first Nepenthes Sloth release, back in 2019 and the first video to use the art of claymation set to a recording from an old acoustic band of Steve's called Zarabanda.
This is Pog the Pug's first video and takes us into the dark recesses of his dream world where tonight he tries to emulate the slick dance moves of that famous Irish Terrier Michael Flat-O'Lance from the hit doggy show 'Piddledance'.